JRockit JVM and Sun JVM
(too old to reply)
2004-04-09 22:31:41 UTC
Hi there,

What is the difference between Sun JVM and JRockit JVM? Aren't they the same?
We used to use wls6.1 and upgraded to wls8.1 SP1 a couple of months ago. I saw
the weblogic8.1 SP1 has jdk141_03 and jrockit81sp1_141_03 in it. When I run wls8.1,
I saw some output like:

00:00:04 /usr/local/bea81/bea/jdk141_03/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx200m -XX:MaxPerm
.. ...

Does that mean the server is using Sun JVM? My supervisor is planning on implementing
the JRockit JVM. Does that mean I should replace jdk141_03 with jrockit81sp1_141_03?

I am totally confused. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks again

Qi Qi
2004-05-04 20:35:01 UTC
Post by Qi
Hi there,
What is the difference between Sun JVM and JRockit JVM? Aren't they the same?
We used to use wls6.1 and upgraded to wls8.1 SP1 a couple of months ago. I saw
the weblogic8.1 SP1 has jdk141_03 and jrockit81sp1_141_03 in it. When I run wls8.1,
00:00:04 /usr/local/bea81/bea/jdk141_03/bin/java -client -Xms32m -Xmx200m -XX:MaxPerm
.. ...
Does that mean the server is using Sun JVM? My supervisor is planning on implementing
the JRockit JVM. Does that mean I should replace jdk141_03 with jrockit81sp1_141_03?
I am totally confused. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks again
Qi Qi
Weblogic contains both Jrockit and a specific version of suns JDK. They are not
the same thing. JRockit is suppose to be a faster, mnore stable JVM for running
server applications. During installation you can pick chich version to use. It
appears you are using suns implementation and not JRockit. Look at: http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs81/install/instpre.html#1066181

